ah maps!

16 Jul 2020

The other day I took the plunge and started over with tic-tac-toe. My first was a mess and I couldn’t keep track of my functions or classes. It was frustrating, but overall probably a good learning experience.

Today was the first day where I felt ‘progress’ this week, but that fell flat after lunch. I got my newTTT to work just as well as the old–so that was good. Then I decided to try something… I decided to write the algorithm in clojure. I don’t like lists in java, and clj does lists really well, so I thought it might be easier. Then perhaps i’ll mesh them together or rewrite the java gui in clj-quil or attempt the lists with the algorithm already known in java.

But as I said, just after lunch, my progress fell flat. I created a hash-map for my boxes in clj. I need the map to return a key given a value. I thought maps could do this, but it won’t do it! AH! But i just figured something else out, which is great, but i really need to go to get the boys, so the rest will have to wait for tomorrow.