
08 Aug 2020

Well, boys are not allowed back at school for two weeks due to the positive covid result in Leo’s class room. I’m stressed about it, but fortunately, Keith has agreed to watch them on the weekends, providing he doesn’t need to go to the plant, so that I can work on the weekends. It’s just not possible to get a lot of focused work in while watching a 2.5 year old and 10-month old. But it’s okay. It will be good to spend time with them also.

Today, i cleaned up my ttt after reviewing my brother’s feedback. In doing so, i accidentally deleted the entire repository on git. I wasted the next two hours trying to get it back to where it was. I got it close…

I also spent some time messing with quil to see what it would take to make a gui in clj. I’d really like to get that all to work, just to see those connections so that going forward, i know how to keep them separate from each other.

Lastly, i worked euler a little bit. Just trying to refactor my big function to avoid nested loops.

Yesterday, Rex started cooking imaginary food for me! This was of course at 10pm last night when he wouldn’t go to sleep. In any case, it was just such a cool experience to watch him use his imagination. He’s used his imagination for trucks for the past few months, but this varied far from that. He made me ‘spaghetti’–i’ve never made spaghetti! I don’t like tomatoes.

Leo also woke up last night at about 10PM to come hang out with all of us.