One Step at a Time

08 Sep 2020

Over the weekend, i was able to fully de-couple ttt, and by fully decouple, I mean that, there was definitely still some stuff that needs tweaking all-in-all, i felt my dependencies were pretty much going the right way. Well, today I learned that i was testing my user inputs wrong, and it totally makes sense; and also that I still need to work on my namespaces, which also made sense when spelled out. I’d say it’s 2 steps forward; one step back, and honestly, I’m totally okay with it. One step forward is still progress and sets a good pace for one-step-at-a-time. Plus, Keith was pretty impressed with what I showed him the other day, so that counts for something too.

All my decoupling & multimethod use in ttt did buff up my map skills though, which is nice. Quil is still giving me a little trouble for my gui, but i think i totally understand how that works now way more than i did even a week ago because of all that, so i’m hoping to be somewhat efficient with this gui.

Oh, and in my DIP presentation, the silly clip art seemed to go over well, so that was also good. I was nervous that the angry bee & ant might be a little cheesy, but i think it simplified it enough that it worked and helped to paint the picture.

My next kata, I think will be the Langston Ant…–but that might be tough to do in a 4 day week since it requires a grid, so I might pick a simpler one this go around and let that be the following one.

I guess that’s it for today. Overall, i’m still in high spirits about all of this and ever more excited for the next challenges.