
14 Sep 2020

I had a super off-day today. I think it’s again just due to lack of sleep from the babies, but today was a struggle. It was super embarrassing trying to perform my kata today, when I stumbled over something stupid, which caused me to hyperfocus on that mistake, which essentially, disabled me from moving on to the next step. It was one of those, “whoops”, “how do I fix it”, “oh no… this is taking too long”, “now i don’t know how to fix”, “omg, just do something”, “that didn’t work!!!!”, “i have no idea what could possibly be wrong with this”, “there is no way to salvage myself now”…. And on and on until I finally, said, “stop! I did this perfectly like an hour ago, but i’ve stumbled into a hole of embarrassment that while on the spot, i cannot pull myself out of. Please let me attempt this again tomorrow.”.

Immediately upon ending the meeting, i saw the mistake. It was a pair brackets… argh

Anyway, after that, I worked on ttt for the rest of the afternoon. The gui is coming along. I’ve got the user options all sorted out, and i’m thinking that tomorrow, i should be able to tie together–i know, we’ve heard that one before, but we’ll see.