
23 Sep 2020

Today was a lonely day but also a very productive day. I don’t think i had more than a second of interaction with people all day, but I did get to sit on my dad’s TDD course about mocks & spies. For the first time, i felt like this one was a little over my head, but i tried to follow along.

On the note of TDD, i think my tests are actually getting a lot better. With my GUI working, i spent most of today working on a 4x4 (and really an any size board) for ttt. I started with my is-win? function. It was already written & passing, so i wrote a new test for it as I rewrote it. To get it to pass, i wrote a bunch of repetitive tasks for my productive code function, which ended up being is-row-win?. What was interesting though, is that then i was able to move all of those to the is-row-win? function and I didn’t end up needing a whole new test for is-row-win? because is-win? was already taking care of that. That was a huge question i had early on. Everything made sense today with that, so today felt like a pretty big leap forward with tests.

At the end of the day, i have the board being created, it is being drawn—a little incorrectly—and it can pass all winning tests, which is pretty fun. The game still plays with a 3x3 board too. I think it’s not quite working with the 4x4 because of some hard coded numbers throughout board and maybe even the mini-max that I will need to hunt for tomorrow.

So yeah. It was a good day.

I can’t believe how full Rex’s sentences are getting now. It’s pretty amazing how just a few weeks ago he was saying things understandably but totally wrong, and suddenly, he’s making complete sentences. A big mistake he was making for a couple months was saying “can’t” instead of “don’t”, so everything was “You can’t want to play with my monster truck” or “i can’t want to eat dinner”. It always felt so negative.

Leo’s going into a new leap today. I hope this one goes smoothly. All the previous ones have resulted in a lot less sleep for a few weeks, and we’re already lacking. So we’ll see…