Someone Else’s Bug

19 Oct 2020

Ah! I neither finished nor posted my blog from Friday. And it’s a shame, because i actually had a good topic, which was wasting a few hours of my time for someone else’s bug! How frustrating!

Apparently, MySQL version 5 something had a bug a while back that was supposed to have been taken care of after version 5, but…. Now on version 8, i had a bunch of errors with the driver connecting and what not. Then all of a sudden, i got a new error about the CST time zone not being an applicable time zone.

What?! I didn’t enter that! How do i change that. After a little googling, i read that this was a bug in version 5 and that version 8 was supposed to have completely eliminated. Nonetheless, i had to manually enter the UST time zone to actually get things going. But still between the driver & this bug, this stole a good 5-6 hours from me. Once i got all that sorted, it was smooth sailing.

Then today, well yesterday actually, i let my computer update. IntelliJ was not a huge fan, and suddenly all my sqls weren’t working—well, i guess they had an update also that for whatever reason weren’t working now. Per the package principles, you’re supposed to grandfather old editions in for some period to allow me to make a change or decide if i want to continue with it. But no, my stuff crashed, and I had to download a new version of connect/J. Another hour gone, but in the end, i got it all working.

By all, i mean all the sql pushes & pulls are working. There is something wrong with my translating back though, because my board is reversing and switching spots each time i leave the game and reload. It’s annoying, but it;s also kind of comical also with just how badly it messes up the game. Like that’s not what happened at all!

Today, while not in my iteration, i also spent some time putting together a presentation to pitch to my brother. I’ve mentioned before my mission and bridging the canyons and rivers. This pitch will be my first attempt to get some real buy in. I’ll let you know…