it’s almost a thing of beauty

11 Nov 2020

Ok so on the plus side, i made some great progress today on cleaning up ttt. It’s almost a thing of beauty if I could say so myself. Except that the GUI isn’t working… All the test were passing and then suddenly some of them weren’t…

Ultimately, the terminal game flows really nicely and is fully functional, and so much cleaner than it was. The game-master holds the majority of the flow and management functions as well as those tests. The terminal has only relevant items to it, and it’s test are now pretty much just the string outputs and a couple of dedicated flow items. The tests actually caught me because I’d forgotten to let the user play…

The issue with the GUI is that I am trying to pull an entire map into the setup function for ttt.core, but I think quil wants individual, listed keys and values, so it’s yelling at me for giving it an entire map. I’m going to have to destructure the whole thing and let the GUI put it back together.

Second, i cannot get the GUI to work with my main function. The GUI has its own way of working, and I’m not sure how it is called. I know the sketch is a macro, and I’m not sure if i have to expand it or keep looking for the main quil function to put it all together. I can’t find this function.

I feel like everything is just so close, but at the same time, i only had two things to do today, I’d planned to have those done by early afternoon, and yet, I was at it until I was into the evening and racing to get the boys again. Argh. It’ll get there.

My goal is to have it definitively complete by early tomorrow, so that I’m ready to present it to Micah on Friday, so that I can finally get my next task, which I’ve been anxiously/eagerly awaiting to learn about for a couple weeks now.

Rex & Leo:
Oh man, so a huge anxiety for a mother is that her children are not happy. Previously when I’d take the boys to school, Leo would get a huge smile on his face and practically jump out of my arms to his teachers. Similarly, Rex would carry Leo’s lunch (milk & bottle) to Leo’s teacher, then Rex & I would each do 3-4 scoops of pebbles into a dump truck, find a good place to dump the pebbles, declare it to have been a good “struction site day!”, then walk to the front of the building to drop him off, where we walked in like he owned the place and never with any kind of a fuss.

This is not what is happening now. I don’t know if it’s because we were out of town for a few weeks or if it’s because Leo has moved up to the new class or what. The struggle today was real! Two days ago, I held Leo’s hand and walked him over, and when he realized he was going to be taken from me, he walked in front of me, planted his legs down, and wrapped himself around me. Yesterday, I dropped him off at the baby center just to see if that would go smoother–it did. Today, I tried the front again, and both of them were screaming while cars were piling in behind mine. I finally grabbed Rex and moved my car out of the way, so that he and I could walk up front, but even this did not result in anything better.

I have vague memories as a child being left in the care of others or strangers in situations where my parents had to go do adult stuff. I was always safe and the caregivers were always kind and met my needs, but I remember that feeling of watching my parents leave me and that feeling of abandonment. I don’t want Rex or Leo to ever feel that, but I fear that they both have and do, and that pains me. What can I do? For all of our sanity, I can’t have them home all the time… Maybe i’ll continue dropping off at the baby center or at least by that back door so that Rex & I can get some scoops in.