22 Dec 2020

My server was accepted for the most part except for the responders. While my interface only has one method, respond, my implementations have additional functions to get their relative response bodies. Apparently each of those should only have the one respond method also. I felt like that would make the ResponseBuilder extremely cluttered and if-y, but I’m told I will understand why this is the case during my next task which will force me to do it that way.

I’m actually very excited about my next task. I get to connect TTT to the server through another repository to play ttt in a web browser—yay! I’d actually been hoping to do something like this, so while slightly intimidated, I’m pretty excited about it.

Of course when i dusted off the old TTT, it was broken. I wasn’t sure why because I hadn’t touched it in months. I recall making a couple small modifications two months ago while in AZ, but i don’t remember it breaking.

My task wasn’t going to work without a functioning ttt, so i spent a little time troubleshooting that only to realize that it’s an issue with MySQL not connecting. I started up MySQL, and true-indeed, it will not connect—a socket issue no less. It seems like it’s actually a permissions issue, but i couldn’t get it to work. I spent a short while longer on that, and then put it away to work on later with a fresh mind and pivoted to start on my webTTT—in clojure btw (yay!).

It is true what i said last week, my fingers are currently conditioned to write in java and thus frequently miss the opening parenthesis, but that’s nothing to worry about in the long run.

I was able to get my server up and going through the new repository and started on getting ttt to run separately within it also. I repackaged ttt in order to make execute a lein jar, but the jar can’t seem to find -main. I spent a little time researching clojure & jars & maven and whatnot, but nonetheless, we’re on our way to playing ttt on the web.