One Browser To Rule It All

07 Jan 2021

So between two young kids, working probably 50-60 hours a week learning to write software, having a husband who works in office full-time plus some, three animals (almost typed four—sad face Brusly), and the rest of life, I’d say we are pretty busy most of the time, so what could we do to add to all that? Plan a move! Ugh. Every evening, and even all day because I’m home, I am thinking about all that needs to get done to plan for this move.

We don’t have a set move-in date yet, but we are in the process of prepping our house to sell it, so we have added a whole new layer of busy to our lives. With the only real time to work on packing being at night while the kids are sleeping or on the weekends when they are not, we are not getting much done.

Keith is a rockstar, I do have to say. He’s a very efficient packer—i am not. He has packed several boxes thus far—I have packed maybe 6 halves of boxes. Nevertheless, there’s not a lot of time to get it all done, so we are getting a little frantic, but we will get there. Once we have a move-in date, we will at least be able to get the stuff out of here so that we can work on selling this place.

We will miss this house. I’ll talk about that in a few weeks when it is happening and thus more nostalgic.

Today, i did iteration with Micah, and I feel like I presented pretty well–stayed positive and focused on the accomplishments opposed to anything that might be considered lacking, so overall, I think it went well. My next task is to get the game fully functionable and get it to save again. Honestly, i felt like i should have been able to do all of that today, but i got caught up in refactoring some stuff and don’t really like how some of the stuff is flowing. I need to refactor a little more to get it to make sense. Perhaps the game manager should be sending the game to the local responders instead of the overall ttt-responder that sends the response to the server.

We shall see, but i did get my GUI fully functioning today. A little math and all my pieces and boxes came together in the correct places with clickable actions, so that was fun too.

And can I just say, wow! I, myself, have written and almost fully functioning application for a web browser. That is pretty cool. I can play the game that I wrote in the same browser that I look up every other website on—the same browser through which i order amazon, and build cute calendars, and write emails, and check the news. That’s pretty cool. And I understand how it is all working. Also cool.