A Little Funny Looking

20 Jan 2021


I don’t know if that’s a sigh of relief or frustration or just utter defeat. Nonetheless, today was productive, and my game works! There’s still at least one bug that I know of, which there really shouldn’t be–all my tests pass, and I tested for this bug. Frustrating.

But it works. My X’s are a little funny shaped still, but fit in the boxes and even turn green when there’s a win or gray for a cat’s game–as do the O’s of course–they are funny looking too.

I also got the README done, as it’s been made clear to me that the README is very important. I recall back to my starting the clojurekoans, where I’d gotten them all done, and then went back to figure something out. I remember being astonished that the README was actually very valuable and contained a lot of relevant information. I’ve always ignored README’s in the past, probably because they are commanding me to read them. Plus, who needs directions for an application? We’re all tech-savy people who can find our own way right?

Anyway, i must bid you ado, as I need to go get the boys so that I can come back and write up a counter-offer to the buyers who submitted an offer to us yesterday–very exciting that we got, actually, a very good offer in so little time. We are very fortunate for that and super excited! yay!

ta-ta for now

Oh, but first, here’s Leo doing a daily task for probably about 30 minutes (this is actually Rex’s job, but Leo does it really well):