Really Tall Yellow

27 Jan 2021

In case you’re new to the world or have never experienced it before or live in a bubble or even have enjoyed it in the past, for the record, moving sucks!!!!

We are doing FSBO, because, let’s face it, real estate agent fees are ridiculous! Someone needs to tell me why these fees should fluctuate with the sale price of your home.

Anywho…. Today, i had to stop at the WBR utilities company to pay a bunch of deposits and fees for them to setup stuff that was already active at the new house; then i went home to write ttt client-side, but got interrupted by the technicians doing the inspections for the electricity that was already functioning…. Then at 3PM, well no, the inspection of our home for its sale was scheduled at 3PM, but the inspector showed up at 230, so i let him in. Then at 250, the buyer showed up—i like her a lot actually. Then at 330, their very chatty agent showed up. I took minutes here and there to continue writing ttt, but repeated got interrupted. Nbd. Finally at 503, all was done, and i was finally able to sit and code for about 17 minutes plus or minus 22 seconds.

In all that time, i actually managed to get the setup completed. I wrote all the tests for setup this morning, and super efficiently i might add. I was actually impressed on how quickly i got those all going. I focused on the specifics of what was being tested instead of the whole, and that made it easier, and i think my tests are a lot more durable(?)—non-rigid and non-fragile.

After the boys went to bed, i got a specific 3x3 board to show up in a teeny-tiny matter, and the game commences! You can’t play yet, but it’s there! Huge shoutout to hiccup and sabnolo for making the html parsing super easy!

And now I’m here telling you about it all.

Rex saw an excavator today and exclaimed that it was in fact his toy and that he wanted to ride on it and play with it. He describe it as a personality, so i asked him what his name was: Really Tall Yellow! And he had a friend: “Slide Slide Slide Slide”. He also told me this evening that his favorite color is white (taking after Bobby—because it is a cheat to say them all), and told me that he wishes he had a white garbage truck, but wouldn’t let me have a purple one—mine had to be pink because I was wearing a purple shirt…. Needless to say, i was disappointed, because i really want a purple garbage truck!

Leo likes kisses. Today, he grabbed my face, and by that i mean either had a ninja grasp on my cheeks of pulled my hair, in order to kiss me over and over. No complaints, but my cheeks hurt both from the violence and the extreme laughter.

Have i mentioned this kid is a trooper at school now? When i drop him off, i put him down in front of the door, and he blasts past the teacher on duty taking temps for COVID, and walks right to his classroom. No more tears for this one; he has taken ownership of the place!