Pee Pee In The Poddy

05 Feb 2021

What did I learn today? Don’t make things harder than they have to be, trust your first instincts, and if you’re not sure about what you are doing, very specifically ask early.

Last week, i estimated the remainder of client-side ttt to take about a half a week. Now, despite not getting much accomplished Friday through Monday due to the big move, I still should have been able to finish it all by the latest on Thursday, but i chased a rabbit. Last week, I’d mentioned that I’d had to copy over several of my .clj files to .cljc files. I’d understood after presenting my in-progress work that I shouldn’t have to do that. What that meant was that I should have to copy/paste those files, and instead should be able to just move them. I understood that suggestion to mean that my approach was wrong and I shouldn’t need to make the cljc files, at least not in the way i was doing it.

As it turns out, my estimate was in fact inaccurate, but it wasn’t short. Getting the whole game to work from where I was last week, took about 4-6 hours. Now, there’s a little more I need to do to polish it and remove some inappropriate dependencies, so half a week is probably not that far off. That being said, it’s Friday, and I missed my deadline because I’d gotten stuck thinking that I need very complicated stuff like macros and whatever. Had I gone with my gut in the first place and just continued down the path I’d started, I probably would have had this done by Tuesday or Wednesday, but oooh! A rabbit!

I notified Micah i would be late on Wednesday evening. This was frustrating and was stressing me out. After working all day on getting macros to work yesterday, with repeatedly feeling like I almost had it, i was feeling pretty defeated. Finally, when nothing was working late this morning, i pinged Micah to make sure i was doing it right—I should have done this on Tuesday or Wednesday. He backed me up to rethink it and asked about the .cljc files again. That is when I understood what he meant when he said i shouldn’t have a to copy paste the .clj files into .cljc files—just move them in the terminal. Argh. After a couple hours of getting all my tests compiling and passing correctly, I got everything thing else, including the game-play, working over the next 2-3 hours. Hopefully it will be up here soon—before the end of the weekend for you to give it a go!

Rex went pee-pee on the poddy!

I asked Rex what he likes about the new house as he keeps telling me that he doesn’t ever want to go to the old house again and wants to stay at the new house forever. He told me he likes that it has dinosaurs & mountains…

Leo loves Tails. Like he really loves her.