Handle Your Handler

02 Mar 2021

Well here I am building yet again. It was about 1PM today when i was surprised that i only had one thing left to do–secure the authorization of who was accessing the admin page. That seemed easy enough, and I was excited that i might actually finish something with a little time left in the day to perhaps pick up the boys a little early (or finish unpacking my closet–or make a home-cooked meal; any of those). All my tests were passing with breezy colors, afterall, and I’d committed several times, so things were looking good. Then i realized, i’d forgotten to run the browser…

Before one of my previous commits, i know everything had been working, but i’d done a lot since then–mostly just refactoring, but what did i refactor that that maybe my user count wrong & my stories not show! Argh! Why would anyone ever refactor?!?!?!?!? If it ain’t broke; don’t fix it!!! I’m saying that out of frustration not true belief–ugh…refactor til you drop!

Ah-ha!! Found the problem!! It was in my refactoring of the handler. One must handle his/her handler! This handler doesn’t like doseq! Can’t really blame him–so many side effects!

Ok, i’m committing. There’s still an auth problem, but i’ve got it recleaned up after checking out a previous commit and kind of manually merging them… Yike! It–i won’t say what time it is, but it’s well past 3PM when i thought I’d be done and the boys are home, fed, & in bed. This auth thing will finish in the morning.

We got Rex like a 9x5’ city run with a construction site building skyscrapers and a farm & school & store & gas station & mechanic’s shop–this kid could not stop! He was in carpet heaven!

Leo had a nice steak dinner and then to show me how much he enjoyed it, he helped himself to some dog food as a nightcap… (**eye-roll**)

Nope, handler was not the problem! It’s the authorization–or some combination of both–i know, finish in the morning, but i had to try it… NullPointer–i don’t think the parameter i need are recorded in the database as I’m expecting them to be… tomorrow!