Wednesday, March 11, 2020

11 Mar 2021

My small stash of supplies including bottled water, non-perishables, and a few other items came in on Tuesday from Walmart & Wednesday from Amazon. I shoved them all under the guestroom bed. I put them there for two reasons.

One was so that we wouldn’t accidentally eat them prior to the upcoming apocalypse, and two because I didn’t want Keith to find them right away because, well one, I money is a little tight, but mostly because I know that he would think, in the most loving way a husband can, that I had actually completely lost it–I’m close as is with this new work-life balance situation and the ongoing postpartum depression.

{present day comment: keith finally found my stash last December as he was packing for this recent move–i got a call about it… At least by that point, I could laugh about it and happily eat my little fruit bars that sounded so good at the time of purchase.}

Keith and I finalized our plans for this weekend. We have a wedding in New Orleans on Saturday–our 5th wedding anniversary.

While I still don’t think this whole corona virus is any reason to freak out, I am a little concerned about this wedding because they are saying to limit social gatherings of more than like 50 people. This wedding no doubt will not have less than a hundred, but it’s important that we are there–Keith is standing in it afterall.

The plan is for Keith to go down on Friday for the rehearsal dinner. I’m not quite ready to leave my 5 month old for an entire weekend, so I will stay home with them on Friday and meet Keith in Nola on Saturday. Our friends, Matt & Brett will be joining us on Saturday and will hang out with the boys Saturday night while Keith & I are at the wedding.