
07 Apr 2021

At least the day ended well…

The earlier parts of the day were, seemingly, needlessly frustrating (one of Rex’s favorite words to describe his feelings lately).

All I had to do was make a request to add the webhook, and so I did. But something didn’t like my request. Now, granted I made one big & stupid mistake–with good intentions of course!

You see, on Monday, I realized, I no longer had to work directly with Trello, so I did a couple of cheats to get my token & list info into the local database without any commits–ya know, top secret codes! I did this so that I would have them available locally, and thus would not have to commit every time I forgot a comma or queried the wrong thing. I was able to once again work through the localhost, and trello didn’t seem to mind, so for the last few days, i was purely local with only 2-3 commits a day just to test some stuff out.

Well, it seems I’d forgotten this, and I kept trying to request to Trello from the localhost. The request wasn’t actually the problem–I mean, i already had one successful request. No, no.

I already knew that Trello was going to make an immediate HEAD request back to me upon receipt of my POST. But of course, since I was on the localhost, Trello happily received & responded to my requests, and it too was making requests to localhost:port. But of course, my server is not on Trello’s server’s localhost. No no. This was not going to work.

But it was weird, because I kept getting weird messages (after I figured out to :throw-entire-message?) that said invalid idModel. I guess this wasn’t weird–my request was wrong or incomplete, and so Trello didn’t like it. When I finally got the request working by digging deep into clj-http.core to ensure the parameters i was including in my request were suitable, I then got a message that “hey, gina, there is not server called localhost.” Doh! Come on Gina!

Oh, and then, because it was already after 5PM, and I really need to get on the move to pick up the boys, I made a very ugly commit just to reload everything on the staging server–actually I made couple ugly commits because I thought I had to reinstate my token thanks to the header messages. So yes, sorry for the ugly commits.

But then, suddenly, nothing was yelling at me.

AND!!! I received a couple requests. Meaning… That I was hooked! Yay!


Now i’m going back through it to pretti-fy it as well as change that awful non-existent page to an ajax, because I think that’s what I need to do. I didn’t understand ajax until about three hours ago, but even monday, I had a feeling that’s what I needed. We’ll see if that’s true I guess…

I’m about to try it!

I mentioned Rex likes to use the word “frustrate” conjugated into the context of “frustrating” & “frustrated” Mom: “Do you want to poop on the poddy” Rex: “No” Mom: “Why not?” Rex: “Because it makes me frustrating” Mom {internally thinking to herself}: “yes…”

Mom: “Do you want to play with your trucks?” Rex: “No. My trucks are too frustrated”

Clearly, I’ve used the verb “to frustrate” pretty frequently with him to help him describe his feelings… I’m pretty sure it’s the only descriptive word he uses now.

Leo went to sleep at about 8 or 9 last night. Then he got up at 10, and by up, i mean up! Keith sat with him for about thirty minutes. Then I sat with him for another thirty minutes–and tickled his back. And the kid would stay in bed. I tried to sneak out three times thinking that for sure he was asleep, but nope. As his shirt said today, “fun never sleeps!”

Finally at about 1030, i just brought him to bed with me thinking that would solve the problem. Well, it solved the crying problem, but finally around midnight, I called for Keith to take him away, because I’d fallen asleep at some point only to be awoken by something thoroughly enjoying the act of pulling out my hair 3-4 strands at a time…