Lists Are Not A Scope

27 Apr 2021

A very short one to the point tonight. I have trello authorizing and giving poker a token to make requests on behalf of the user–or the room really. I have it so that the user can select a room to link up with a list.

Now, I have some options to showcase to see what the ‘customer’ wants, because he was a little unsure last week, so I came up with two ideas. We’ll see how that goes over or if i’ll get points off for that. I don’t know…

Not only does the list link on the poker side, but it also links on the trello side, which is something I’d overlooked this morning–trello needs to tell the user which room it is linked too. Not to mention that the lists for whatever reason are not an easily usable ‘scope’ because they are not in fact a scope. So much so that the cards don’t even have within their context which list they belong to, so that took a lot of work around, but i got it. It is working. The name of the room even pops up on the cards within the list that the room is linked to, so with all that said, I think it’s ready to show, and i hope it meets expectations.

Now tictactoC, which was my main plan for today, didn’t get much progress made today. I was able to get all my tests to pass for the most obvious game yesterday, and i thought for sure it would work, but you know, while it is perfectly happy to go for the far out defense techniques, if the player is about to win on the next turn or the computer has the opportunity to win this turn, well that’s just too easy… so it skips it. Argh! That should be an easy one to fix, though it could be messy, but i’ll get that finished tomorrow.