A Brilliant Number

19 May 2021

I was looking at the date and thinking it was pretty cool. I’m a fan of prime numbers.

5 & 19 are certainly prime, so i questioned apprehensively, if maybe 2021 is prime. It’s not, but it is a secondary prime, meaning that it is the product of two primes. But that’s not all! It’s a product of two consecutive primes: 43 & 47, both of which have a digit size of 2, making 2021 a brilliant number. And what might even be cooler than that is that 2021 is equal to the sum of the first 33 prime numbers & 33–if only 33 were prime… All this about the only number that is the concatenation of the first two numbers of the second dec seemed pretty cool. This information is from numbers a plenty.

The only numbers cooler than primes, in my opinion, are palindromes. I’ve had the privilege of living through two palindromic years (1991 & 2002), which only presents itself as an opportunity if you are born within the last decade of a millenia and live into the next one. There won’t be another palindromic year until 2112, but then(!!!), 110 years later, the lucky souls to be alive will get to live 365 days of 2222 (it’s not a leap year–i checked)!

Anyway, I didn’t write yesterday as I was trying to fight through a silly problem with trello integration. I pinged Micah to see why the updates weren’t pushing to the room, but when I finally got on a call with him, I’d created a bunch of errors causing me to forget what the original problem was. In the end, i finally figured out those errors, and got thing to update upon refresh, but we weren’t able to figure out why things were pushing.

I had iteration, and it went pretty well, although there was the bug of not pushing the updates, and the result was not to the “customer’s” expectations–though we both agreed that the expectations were not specifically draw out in the acceptance criteria, so it passed, with ‘bug-fix’ expectations. Unfortunately, ricracroe was not ready to show, as I still only had the minimax to showcase, which a customer wouldn’t really ever have interest in seeing nothing–as passing tests mean nothing to a customer when they can’t really interact with it.

So I gave myself one hour to work on ricracroe today. No, i didn’t stick to that! My tdd was driving me through with ‘blazing speed’ as my 3 & 1.5 year old would say. But then, suddenly, my box wasn’t setting in my mock_player. It made no sense. It was printing fine in the test, but wasn’t carrying over. I almost called micah again to see if Ruby had some sort of secret rule about setting instance variables, but the internet said it should be working so I was too embarrassed to even ask. Rightfully so, because, well, I’m not going to admit my fault–cetainly not one so embarrassing as having swapped the players before running the play function resulting in a player without a box. Once I found that and swapped that around, code started flowing out of my fingers again.

That’s actually been a common theme the past two days, which has felt really good relative to the past few weeks. Even with trello, regardless of having a few minor bumps, once past those bumps, code was just pouring out of my fingers onto the keyboard and into the computer to make stuff happen.

Once I got past that whole post request thing and gained courage to start writing tests–which really means that I was comfortable in expecting what the outcome/return of a function should be, things just started happening. It’s been very cool. Not only was progress being made, but I was able to refactor a bunch of ugly, smelly code into, well not quite rose essence, but better than the essence of poopy diapers. Let’s go with a freshly bathed rottweiler vs just a wet one.

So yeah, my allotted hour for ricracroe turned into the rest of the day, which i may very much regret come next week–you’d think i’d be super sick of tictactoe, but really, at this point, it’s kind of like a big kata–in different languages. That might actually be a cool thing to do: learn a kata, learn it well, then do again in a different language. Or maybe even master your kata in your comfort language, and then do it in a new language.

Anywho, i need to get to work on getting ready for doing estimates for the proposal i need to prep, so toodles!


Rex has a friend from school, Alex. We think he’s Rex’s best friend. When these two get together, Rex turns into a totally different kid. He’s super brave, no longer really needs us, and gets super ramped up.

We went to get pizza tonight and had Alex, his mom, & baby sister along. Alex’s dad is on an 8-10 week turn around right now, which means 12-hour shifts every day until it’s done–no days off; nope not even weekends. Keith and I have lived this–not for quite this long (although january through february this year might have parred that, and it was unexpected), so I am very empathetic for his mom, who also has a four month old and a job in the plants.

I think she & I are pretty aligned in or whole caring-for-children-24-7 points of view. I like her a lot. She’s an engineer too, and with no family near by (she’s from south africa and her husband is from iowa), and I think she is starting to get that I get it. That it’s hard. Raising kids is hard. Raising kids away from any family is unbelievably hard, and taking care of two kids in that situation while your partner is required to work nights and weekends non-stop for two months, is almost impossible.

I offered to have Alex over this weekend and even the baby if she really needs a break from it all. I don’t know if we are there yet–on that trust level–as we only met like a month or so ago and have only hung out less than a handful of times, but I could tell that she appreciated it and was seriously contemplating it. Oh to let an almost stranger take care of your children is so unnerving, but she knows where we live and she knows that we go to the same school and she knows that Alex & Rex get along really well.

If it were me, I’d certainly allow Rex to go over, but I’d probably be–well, ya know, I don’t know that I’d even be uncomfortable letting the baby go–I’d be more concerned about imposing. But I’d be happy to help even if just for an hour or two so she could nap or shower or watch her favorite show for a few minutes.

Anyway, this i supposed to be about Rex. He did awesome! And told a joke! I told him to tell Alex the joke he knows: why is 6 afraid of 7? Rex repeated “Alex, why is afraid six & seven, Alex?” “Alex because sixe & seven eight & nine, Alex!”. Great punchline Rex!

Leo: Leo won’t let me go these days! But he wants to be a big kid with Rex & Alex so bad. He just follows them around trailing feet behind. Then he comes back to check in “Mah-ie!!” Giant, single-dimpled, full teeth smile. He’s also obsessed with Blaze, which I’ve mentioned. And every morning we start the car: “aahhhyyy Bayyyyy-se”. And when he saw the baby, he knew she was a baby–”Baaayyy–[pause]–Baaayy”!