Choo Choo Peanut Poop

31 Jul 2021

So it’s been a wild six weeks, but hopefully it’s all coming to an end and I can get back to more focused, persistent work now–not that my work has been neither focused nor persistent.

First we were up north for three weeks. The following week after our return, I had to have surgery on my abdomen. Two days later Leo got sick and spilled a couple times; Rex also got sick, but not as severely. Then the weekend where we went “camping” at home, which consisted of doing a campfire in 90F weather, cooking hotdogs on said fire, followed by marshmallows all while the boys and their friend, Alex who joined us, played in the trailer.

Then Monday came and life was back to normal until about 11:20AM when school called to inform me that Leo had come down with Hand Foot & Mouth disease and thus he & Rex needed to be picked up promptly. Well, I am not allowed to lift because of the aforementioned surgery, so Keith has been taking them to school and stayed home the previous week while they were sick. So I had to call Keith to ask him to leave early to get the boys and also that HF&M typically lasts 3-5 days and thus the boys would be home for the rest of the week…

The week was full of excitement including no naps and Rex discovering his new froggy urinal and Tuesday morning right before stand-up. I’d fed the boys peanut butter. I then hear Rex exclaiming that Leo got peanut butter all over the playroom. I told him it was okay and that I would clean it up in a moment. Then Rex limped up to me trying not to use his left foot, in order to show me the peanut butter he’d stepped in in the playroom. It wasn’t peanut butter… Leo had been pretty good about using the potty all morning, so I’d let him go diaper free and paid the price. It was all over their carpet. Argh! Rex proceeded to appropriately sing the peanut butter song: “Choo Choo peanut–pooooop!”

I sent Leo to school on Friday. I’d called the doctor and they gave me the requirements, which seemed to have been met.

In the meantime of all this, I worked intermittently on EPIC. Things are coming along! Although, I’ve realized that I’ve borrowed some technical debt in my design, and thus need to go back and fix that hopefully before I show my customer (Micah) the product, or more specifically, the code…

Rex: Rex is an amazing big brother. He has surprised me a couple times recently. The other morning while I was still sleeping, he heard Leo crying in their room (Rex had already made his way to my bed). He inconspicuously snuck out of my bed, opened the door for Leo, and led Leo back to me. It was very cute. After nap time today, Rex did the same thing and saved Leo. It makes my heart melt.

Leo is picking up new words each day now. His “k” is pronounced as a “p” and his “s” as a “th”, so when he asks for milk, he says “more ‘miwp’ pweath”. Today he learned “fire trup”, which he delightedly said over and over.