It's Not Your Birthday! It's My Birthday Forever!

29 Apr 2021

The day has come where I am another year older. Yay…


Actually, Rex showed his enthusiasm perfectly last night. Just after midnight Rex came wandering into our room. Keith noticed the time, and said, “Oh! Rex, you should tell mommy ‘Happy Birthday!””. Rex’s face went from perfectly content and happy to have snuck his way into mommy & daddy’s bed to flat out can’t-breathe-because-i’m-crying-so-hard, and then he did.

I asked him what’s wrong, and he said, “I want it to be my birthday!”

“Oh, honey, it will be your birthday again, but you only get one a year, and today is my birthday.”

“No it’s not! It’s not your birthday! It’s my birthday forever!”

“Ok, honey.”


Have I mentioned that Leo is obsessed with saline nasal spray? He’s had a stuffy nose recently, so i pulled out the boogie-spray to help him out. I sprayed his nose. At first he was a little surprised, but then he asked for more. This time he laughed. Then he asked for more again. And then he got mad at me when I told him no more and even madder when i put it away. Now, nearly every time I see him after a short while, he points to his nose and says “nose”, in attempt to ask for more nose spray.

Also, yesterday, I kept the boys home, because Leo spiked a fever the night before. I showed them hungry, hungry hippos, which they both loved! I asked them what color they wanted to be. Rex chose orange that time, and Leo exclaimed, “Yelloooooow!!!”

Birthday Selfie!